Elmos: Positive business performance continues in the second quarter of 2024 – Sales up 4.4%

EBIT margin reaches 25.3% in Q2 2024 – Full-year guidance for 2024 confirmed

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Elmos advances to the TecDAX

Elmos: Annual General Meeting approves dividend of 0.85 Euro per share

Large majority for all items on the agenda

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Elmos: Positive start into the new fiscal year – guidance for 2024 confirmed

Sales up by 4.5% to 136.8 million Euro in the first quarter of 2024 – EBIT margin reaches 24.7%

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Elmos publishes 2023 Annual Report

Preliminary financial figures and guidance confirmed – dividend proposal raised to 0.85 Euro per share – own climate targets for 2023 achieved

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